
Des Moines Sun

Monday, March 10, 2025

Iowa State Legislature considers first Iowa redistricting plan


Iowa State Legislature planned to convene on Tuesday, Oct. 5, in order to consider a plan for Iowa redistricting following new census data. 

The Legislature expected to meet to vote on Plan 1, which would redraw the boundaries for the congressional and legislative districts for the next decade per census data, according to Radio Iowa

"Some GOP infighting going on with Iowa redistricting. The state leg is poised to vote on a map that could potentially give Dems another House seat in a state where they currently have 1 federal representative #IA01 #IA02 #IA03 #IA04," Matthew Foldi said in a tweet Oct. 4. 

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver stated that Republican senators within the Legislature plan to meet privately before the voting process to review the maps, according to Radio Iowa. State legislators will also have the option to accept the maps or vote them down, but the revoting process would require waiting weeks while nonpartisan agencies return to draw the maps, according to the Des Moines Register

However, legislators do not have permission to offer amendments to the first two proposed maps, according to Des Moines Register. Should the legislature approve of the new borders for all 150 legislative districts and the four congressional districts, the new maps will be put into effect for the 2022 election.