
Des Moines Sun

Monday, March 10, 2025

Polk City Press Release April 26

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City of Polk City: 

Project Name: Polk City Fire Station Remodel Project

Location: Polk City Fire Station 309 W. Van Dorn Street, Polk City, IA 50226

Amount Requested: $500,000


The City of Polk City has submitted an application to Cindy Axne’s office for Community Projects in the request of $500,000 for Fire Station Improvements. The City plans to remodel the existing Polk City Fire Station to remodel living quarters, locker rooms/shower facility, add a station alerting system and install a ventilation system in the truck bay area. The objectives of this remodel are to provide additional space for public safety equipment and personnel.

If awarded funding from the Community Projects fund, the total cost of the project will be approximately $1.2 million. The City is in the final stages of borrowing $700,000 in general obligation bonds to help fund the project. The city will also utilize local option sales tax if the cost of the project exceeds our current estimate.

The application was submitted on April 18, 2022, and notification of the award will be posted on the City’s website www.polkcityia.gov.

Original source can be found here